Listing Number 26963
Type of Business: 30 Rubber & Miscellaneous Plastics Manufacturing
Location: Southeast (FL, GA, NC, SC, TN, AL, MS) / ZZ
The company has been in business for over 19 years. It operates out of one location. There are 41 employees, including the owners and it generated over $18 million in annual sales in 2022. The company has two divisions. One provides a specialty product for their major Fortune 100 customer (90% of sales). Three-year written contract. The other, a molded rubber products manufacturing process (10% of sales) that has potential for growth and expansion through marketing efforts.

Asking Price: $13,500,000, plus real estate of $1,500,000. Total: $15,000,000.
Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment:$ 2,500,000 Asking Price:$ 13,500,000 + RE
Vehicles and/or rolling stock:$ 150,000 Down Payment:$ 3,000,000
Inventory$ 3,000,000
Accounts Receivable (if included)$ 1,500,000 Annual Sales Volume$ 18,000,000
Land & Building (if included)$ 1,500,000 Cash Flow$ 2,400,000 SDE
Other Assets$
Current Liabilities to be assumed$
Current Notes to be assumed$
Contact Carl Kuby at The Kuby Company
Phone: (256) 301-1358